Add Notifications Report info to Employee's Page & Computer's Details
Request: Add another reporting tab under an individual employee's page and individual computer's page that includes anything that would have appeared for those entities in the Notifications Report Current Functionality: The information on the Noti...
Currently, idle time is counted beginning from after the idle time threshold. The Idle time in reports should be adjusted to account for the time before the idle time threshold (the point from when a user is first idle)For example, currently the r...
Request: In Monitoring Settings-->Applications, there is a toggle to enable/disable capturing window titles. Add functionality so that disabling this toggle omits the capture of any application window title, especially browsers. Ideally, it wou...
BI Report List: Request Confirmation of "X" Button Deletion
Request: Click on BI Reports from the left-hand navigation pane, bringing up the full list of BI Reports and Saved Reports in the browser window. In the lower Saved Reports section, the right side of each row contains an "X" button to delete the r...
Add ability to specify Activity Level benchmarks in BI Reports based on Dept. and/or Position
Request: Depending on job function/day-to-day duties, an acceptable average Activity Level will vary. The target Activity Level for a Dept. or Position can be noted outside Teramind but not within the UI. Including the ability to assign target Act...
Distinguish activities/data captured during periods of Offline Recording
If an activity/screen recording/etc. occurred when the TM Agent was disconnected, add a note or indication that the captured information via the Offline Recording setting
There is an opportunity for more user-friendly features regarding changes made in Behavior Rules via two suggested approaches. Additional info/options within the Behavior Rule editor What specifically changed in the Rule? Renamed? Moved or copied ...