Button to Import/Export Monitoring and Recording Data
For scenarios where a customer is transitioning to a new system, there does not seem to be a clean and easy way to take the various monitoring/recording databases from one on-prem Teramind deployment and transfer it to a new one. A button in the G...
Improve 'Advanced: Setup Logics' in Content Sharing Rules
Request: Allow unique logic between multiple Definitions in the Content tab of Content Sharing Rules. Examples: Definition 1 and Definition 2 or Definition 3 Definition 1 or Definition 2 and Definition 3 Definition 1 and Definition 2 and not Defin...
Allow the ability to merge or link employee accounts, such as duplicates that may occur due to changing hostnames of a computer, or an employee changing computers and therefore a new local user account is being monitored
Option to change backend Teramind Agent process name
Request: Include an option to customize the Teramind Agent backend process name. Current Functionality: Changing the Agent process name is available today via Agent installation command adjustments, but its impact is exclusive to user-level viewin...
Request: Via RBAC, it would be ideal to remove the option of downloading Agents. The ask entails not just the functionality of downloading be removed but also an related UI/dashboard buttons. Current functionality: When Stealth Agent-monitored emp...
Add UI button(s) to export Monitoring Profiles for recordkeeping
Request: Add button to export a Monitoring Profile; add a button to bulk-export all Monitoring Profiles Current Functionality: Monitoring Profiles can be retrieved via API, but there is not a method within the UI. Adding a button for exporting Mon...
Monitoring Profile: Add 'Save' Button to main page
Request: The auto-saving nature of a main Monitoring Profile page does not allow to disregard high level changes made to a Monitoring Profile. A manual button to save/disregard changes would be preferred. Current Functionality: On the overarching ...
Add ability to specify Activity Level benchmarks in BI Reports based on Dept. and/or Position
Request: Depending on job function/day-to-day duties, an acceptable average Activity Level will vary. The target Activity Level for a Dept. or Position can be noted outside Teramind but not within the UI. Including the ability to assign target Act...