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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 6, 2024

BI Reports: Drill down Activity Level by app, website, classification

Desired Functionality: In a cloned BI Report, filter the Activity Level by application, website, and Classification.

  • Examples of questions to solve through reporting:

    • What's the average activity level when using productive apps/websites?

    • What's the average activity level when using unproductive apps/websites?

    • What's the average activity level across all websites except for X, Y, Z?

    • During a red block (0-10% activity) in the grid widget\Input Rate: Activity (%) Graph, what were the top apps/websites? What is the breakdown of productivity classification during that red block?

      • Note: This is similar to what can be done in the Time Cards report via tooltip. Moving the functionality to BI, removing the tooltip approach, and expanding its capabilities to BI Reports will be more convenient and configurable.

Current Functionality: In BI Reports, Activity Level and app/website data are independent of one another. Filtering a BI Report by app, website, or classification will not impact the activity level reported in other widgets on the same report.