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Set an application/URL to report 100% activity

Ability to override the activity percentage based on application or URL (for example, to report an employee as 100% active in a Zoom meeting when there is little to no keyboard and mouse activity)
over 4 years ago in Monitoring profiles / Reporting 0 Reviewed

BI Reports: Drill down Activity Level by app, website, classification

Desired Functionality: In a cloned BI Report, filter the Activity Level by application, website, and Classification. Examples of questions to solve through reporting: What's the average activity level when using productive apps/websites? What's th...
about 1 year ago in Reporting - BI / Reporting - Improve Data 0 Reviewed

Add support for Proton Mail (web)

Add Proton Mail (web) to email monitoring
about 1 year ago in Parser - Email 0 Reviewed

Add an 'Exclude' Field on the RBAC Screen

Adding the exclude field would allow organizations of larger size to implement RBAC policies for members of leadership that "target" all employees (everyone), and then allow for other members of the leadership team to be Excluded from the targets ...
about 1 year ago in Access control 0 Planning

Adjustable Activity % calculation

Allow the activity calculation algorithm to be adjustable to change the words per minute that the activity percentage is measured off of.
over 4 years ago in Reporting / UI 0 Reviewed

BI Scheduled Export: A weekly export of only work days that's recurringly delivered on a specific day

Desired Functionality: Schedule the delivery of a report to be received on a Monday for the previous week's data, but have the exported report reflect only Monday through Friday. Current functionality: Using Schedule Export + Export Period\Week + ...
about 1 year ago in Data export / Reporting - BI / UI 0 Reviewed

The ability to control which possible recipients appear in the Rule Action\Notify field

In Behavior Rules, any employee could potentially be selected in the Notify field. As a security precaution, it would be valuable to control the recipients that populate as options for notifying. Perhaps, in Settings, you could specify all the pos...
about 1 year ago in Behavior rules / Email notifications 0 Reviewed

Query employee status via API

Ability to query the detailed current status of an employee (like "Idle", "Session locked", etc) via API (Application programming interface)Currently the Computers report and Missing Users/Computers report can list the agent's basic status, but no...
over 3 years ago in API 0 Reviewed

Time tracking based on employee's schedule

Ability to track users times and apply rules only in the assigned schedule
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules / Schedules 1 Reviewed

Audit BI Report: Add 'Count' column to grid widget

Please add the 'Count' column to the Audit BI Report grid widget. A use case is to sort the frequency of 'Action Type' in a descending/ascending manner.
about 1 year ago in Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed