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Set an application/URL to report 100% activity

Ability to override the activity percentage based on application or URL (for example, to report an employee as 100% active in a Zoom meeting when there is little to no keyboard and mouse activity)
over 4 years ago in Monitoring profiles / Reporting 0 Reviewed

BI Reports: Drill down Activity Level by app, website, classification

Desired Functionality: In a cloned BI Report, filter the Activity Level by application, website, and Classification. Examples of questions to solve through reporting: What's the average activity level when using productive apps/websites? What's th...
about 1 year ago in Reporting - BI / Reporting - Improve Data 0 Reviewed

Adjustable Activity % calculation

Allow the activity calculation algorithm to be adjustable to change the words per minute that the activity percentage is measured off of.
over 4 years ago in Reporting / UI 0 Reviewed

BI Scheduled Export: A weekly export of only work days that's recurringly delivered on a specific day

Desired Functionality: Schedule the delivery of a report to be received on a Monday for the previous week's data, but have the exported report reflect only Monday through Friday. Current functionality: Using Schedule Export + Export Period\Week + ...
about 1 year ago in Data export / Reporting - BI / UI 0 Reviewed

Audit BI Report: Add 'Count' column to grid widget

Please add the 'Count' column to the Audit BI Report grid widget. A use case is to sort the frequency of 'Action Type' in a descending/ascending manner.
about 1 year ago in Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed

Employee's title

Add employee's title column on BI Reports Grid
over 4 years ago in Reporting - BI 1 Reviewed

Calculate salary based on active time

Option to count active/productive time in salary
over 3 years ago in Employee Management / Reporting 0 Reviewed

List duration an employee spent in each activity range/level

Ability to report the duration an employee has spent within each Activity score % range/color group (red/yellow/green) For example, show a report that an employee spent 3 hours at 1-25% activity, 1 hour at 25-50% activity, and 2 hours 50%+ activity
almost 4 years ago in Reporting 0 Reviewed

Hide symbols on BI Report keystrokes

Add option to "remove symbols" option to BI -> Keystrokes like in monitoring reports
about 4 years ago in Reporting - BI / UI 0 Reviewed

Timecard Report for 30 days

Ability to check the Timecard report by the whole month
about 4 years ago in Reporting / UI 0 Reviewed