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Add a field to users' profiles for payroll ID from the users' payroll system.

Adding a field in the users' profiles for payroll ID will enable users to more easily match any internal reporting by user to productivity reporting available in Teramind. The payroll ID should be available for inclusion in data exports
over 2 years ago in Employee Management / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Online access to Invoices

Allow access to all invoices from self-hosted portal (on-premise deployments) or cloud instance dashboard (Cloud hosted deployments)
about 3 years ago in Accounts & Billing 0 Planning

License Expiring email Notification

They want the appliance to send an email when the license is near expiration
over 3 years ago in Email notifications 0 Planning

Remove camera icon from reports for unprivileged users

Hide the camera/video icon in the reports if employees don't have permissions to play back screen recordings
over 3 years ago in Access control 0 Planning

Capture files from computers when controlled remotely

Add the ability to copy files to/from computers when controlled remotely, similar to the file transfer abilities of TeamViewer and AnyDesk
over 3 years ago in Agent / Remote Control 0 Will not implement

Trigger the rules once

Ability to set alerts to keep triggering or just trigger once, EG: currently when an application is launched Teramind will keep alerting every 120 seconds by default until the application is closed instead of alerting once
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules 1 Reviewed

Assign the review of an Alert to a Manager via ticketing system

Create the ability to assign manager review to an Alert via a ticketing system. Who is working on the Alert? What Alerts have been reviewed? Checkbox to mark which Alerts have been reviewed Comment field to correlate an alert to a Jira ticket number
over 2 years ago in Behavior rules / Integrations / UI 3 Already exists

Allow regex on BI reports filters

Allow regex on BI reports filters
over 3 years ago in Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed

Notification when a computer's IP has changed

Provide a way to notify when a computer's IP address has changed
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules / Network Driver / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Real-time network health monitoring

I'd like to be able to see the health of the internet connection on the device.
7 months ago in Network Driver 0 Reviewed