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Employee Management

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Add optional 'And' logic to filters on List of Employees

The dropdown filters on the List of Employees have inherent 'or' logic when selecting multiple boxes. Add the ability to choose between 'and' or 'or' logic to be applied to the multiple selections. This would improve management of the employee lis...
6 months ago in Employee Management / UI 0 Reviewed

Add a field to users' profiles for payroll ID from the users' payroll system.

Adding a field in the users' profiles for payroll ID will enable users to more easily match any internal reporting by user to productivity reporting available in Teramind. The payroll ID should be available for inclusion in data exports
over 2 years ago in Employee Management / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Ability to define employee wage by Task Cost

Add ability to assign or report an employee's wage/rate based on the cost assigned to tasks they worked on rather than the current option of assigning an hourly or annual rate
about 3 years ago in Employee Management / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Notes for Revealed Agent

Allow users to classify/justify their own idle time with a note
over 4 years ago in Employee Management / UI 0 Reviewed

Calculate salary based on active time

Option to count active/productive time in salary
over 3 years ago in Employee Management / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Edit existing users with csv import

Feature Request to add ability to edit users with csv file import
almost 4 years ago in Data export / Employee Management 0 Reviewed

BI Self Reports on web for each employee

Add BI Reports to self review without having to create an access control policy
about 4 years ago in Employee Management / Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed

Subtract idle time from salary

Ability to subtract idle time from salary
over 3 years ago in Employee Management / Reporting 0 Reviewed

User notes

A way to add user notes to the Employee info
about 4 years ago in Employee Management / UI 0 Reviewed