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Email notifications

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Email alerts for Activity Falsification from OMNI

Add more alerting based on activity falsification, including email notifications to specified recipients.
9 months ago in Email notifications 0 Reviewed

Exclusion of PII in Email Notifications for Triggered Rules

Description: There is a need to address the appearance of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in email notifications when certain rules are violated or triggered. Specifically, notifications from DLP tools indicate PII (such as social securi...
3 months ago in Behavior rules / Email notifications 0 Reviewed

License Expiring email Notification

They want the appliance to send an email when the license is near expiration
almost 4 years ago in Email notifications 0 Planning

Emailed BI Reports should allow CSV or PDF attachments

Allow scheduled BI (Business Intelligence) Report emails to contain a CSV or PDF file as an attachment rather than a zip fileFor example, the reports under the Monitoring menu than can be exported do allow the email to contain eithe a CSV or PDF.
almost 4 years ago in Email notifications / Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed

Reference a List of Admin/Manager Emails in the Notify Field in Behavior Rule Actions

In Behavior Rules, when entering emails in the Notify Action field, recipients can be added piecemeal. It would be more user-friendly to be able to reference a list (perhaps a Shared List) of recipient emails.
over 1 year ago in Behavior rules / Email notifications 0 Reviewed

The ability to control which possible recipients appear in the Rule Action\Notify field

In Behavior Rules, any employee could potentially be selected in the Notify field. As a security precaution, it would be valuable to control the recipients that populate as options for notifying. Perhaps, in Settings, you could specify all the pos...
about 1 year ago in Behavior rules / Email notifications 0 Reviewed

Email productivity data to employees daily

A way to email work time, active time, idle time to employees on a daily basis
almost 4 years ago in Email notifications 0 Reviewed

Email notification on monitoring settings modification

Ability to send an e-mail to the employee’s (x) supervisor(y) when the Teramind administrator(z) changes the monitoring policy of the employee(x).
over 4 years ago in Email notifications / Monitoring profiles 0 Reviewed

Daily snapshot email customization

Ability to send the daily snapshot to any required destination
over 3 years ago in Email notifications 0 Reviewed

BI Reports in Email

Ability to send the reports as part of the body of the email, not as attachments nor zip files, raw data in the body of the email
about 4 years ago in Email notifications / Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed