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Created by Guest
Created on Dec 20, 2024

Conveniently list all historical computer names used by employees

List all monitored machine names on which an employee has been monitored, including the first and last dates seen on those machines.

  • Idea 1: On an employee's page, in a column under EDIT INFO and ACTIVE POLICIES, list the various machine names from which the agent has reported. Include the machine names even if the computers have been deleted.

  • Idea 2: The same general idea as #1 but perhaps there's a way to have it appear on the overarching List of Employees. It could bridge the gap between the existing List of Employees columns First Online Time/From and Last Login Time/From in cases where there have been several+ machines used. This approach may necessitate a change in how deleted machines appear in name on the List of Employees.

In the meantime, there is a workaround to see all of an employee's historical machines by configuring a custom BI Grid Widget and using a sufficiently long date range.