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Edit existing users with csv import

Feature Request to add ability to edit users with csv file import
almost 4 years ago in Data export / Employee Management 0 Reviewed

Monitoring of webcams

Ability to monitor webcams/camera video feeds
almost 4 years ago in Data capture 2 Will not implement

Export Schedules

The ability to export schedules as a report
almost 4 years ago in Data export / Reporting / Schedules 0 Reviewed

Block ALL cloud storage

Ability to block any Cloud Provider, not just the current ones
about 4 years ago in Data capture 0 Reviewed

Browser data saving monitoring

Abilityt to monitor if a user saves passwords in browser
about 4 years ago in Data capture 0 Reviewed

Suspend screen monitoring but keep tracking

Ability to log websites in websites and applications log you don't record video for. (like suspend monitoring for these websites, but just black out video, and keep it in applications and websites logs)
about 4 years ago in Data capture / Monitoring profiles 0 Reviewed

Detailed list of actions and clicks in apps and browsers

Ability to track all actions and elements clicked on for browsers and apps
over 4 years ago in Data capture / Reporting - Improve Data 0 Reviewed

OCR detection of white text on black background

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) detection for white text over a black background
over 4 years ago in Data capture / OCR 0 Reviewed

Take Screenshots per click

Ability to capture screenshot per mouse click
over 4 years ago in Data capture 1 Already exists

Vietnamese support on OCR

Vietnamese language support for OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
over 3 years ago in Data capture / OCR 0 Reviewed