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BI Self Reports on web for each employee

Add BI Reports to self review without having to create an access control policy
about 4 years ago in Employee Management / Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed

Granular Classification for productive profiles

Ability to rank productive/unproductive apps/web into productivity levels. For example, Youtube could be ranked -2 (Very unproductive), Excel ranking 2 (Very productive) and Outlook ranking 1 (Semi-productive)
over 4 years ago in Behavior rules / Productivity profiles / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Custom attendance reports

Ability to create a custom BI (Business Intelligence) Report with Employee ID, Employee Name, Email ID, Date, Shift Duration, Shift Start Time , Shift End Time, Time Worked, Employee StatusCurrently the Shift Start time is listed in the BI Report ...
almost 5 years ago in Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed

Subtract idle time from salary

Ability to subtract idle time from salary
over 3 years ago in Employee Management / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Schedule export per employee

Ability to export report per employee
over 3 years ago in Reporting 0 Reviewed

Export Schedules

The ability to export schedules as a report
almost 4 years ago in Data export / Reporting / Schedules 0 Reviewed

Export BI reports sorted

Ability to export reports sorted as they are in the web dashboard grid
about 4 years ago in Reporting 1 Already exists

Computer's IP History

Add a history/log to Sessions reports to keep track of the IP addresses a computer was connecting fromThe BI Reports > Login Sessions report will list a source IP address if connecting to a monitored computer remotely. However, if the monitored...
about 4 years ago in Reporting 0 Reviewed

Detailed list of actions and clicks in apps and browsers

Ability to track all actions and elements clicked on for browsers and apps
over 4 years ago in Data capture / Reporting - Improve Data 0 Reviewed

Task hierarchy on reports

Ability to sort and show parent tasks with subtasks in report
over 4 years ago in Reporting / UI 0 Reviewed