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Pull telemetry info from other sources e.g. Microsoft Graph

Would be helpful to get/view/process data Teramind doesn't capture (e.g. MS Teams messages sent from mobile devices / from devices Teramind is not installed on) with Teramind's BI/AI tooling.
10 months ago in Data capture 0 Reviewed

Add 'Task Creation' as standalone Access Control permission (Revealed Agent)

Sometimes employees create too many one-off Tasks for management to track with reporting. Adding 'Task Creation' as a standalone permission in Access Control would greatly improve the administrative experience when auditing performance across mult...
10 months ago in Access control / Revealed Agent 0 Reviewed

Arrows to navigate days

When looking at a particular day, if I want to move forward or backward one day it would be nice to be able to click a Back or Forward arrow rather than having to click the Calendar and selecting another date
about 3 years ago in UI 0 Reviewed

Ability to define employee wage by Task Cost

Add ability to assign or report an employee's wage/rate based on the cost assigned to tasks they worked on rather than the current option of assigning an hourly or annual rate
about 3 years ago in Employee Management / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Configure Snapshot Interval

Ability to Configure snapshots to X minutes instead of 10
about 3 years ago in Agent / UI 0 Reviewed

Duplicate Task name warning

Warn the user when entering a duplicate task name
about 3 years ago in UI 0 Planning

Resource Monitor

Add a resource monitor to the agent/dashboard, CPU, RAM DISK and Internet speed
about 4 years ago in Data capture / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Enroll new agent before user log in

Add the computer account into the dashboard immeditately after agent installation, even before a user logs in.(Currently, if the agent is installed remotely, it won't connect until a user logs in)
over 3 years ago in Agent 0 Reviewed

Enhance audio monitoring

Add options to improve audio clarity such as background/white noise removal and amplification to better hear speech
about 4 years ago in Player 0 Future

Schedules should have next week, months

schedules must have next week and next months options also it should have easier way to adjust working shift
over 2 years ago in Schedules 0 Reviewed