Pull telemetry info from other sources e.g. Microsoft Graph
Would be helpful to get/view/process data Teramind doesn't capture (e.g. MS Teams messages sent from mobile devices / from devices Teramind is not installed on) with Teramind's BI/AI tooling.
Add 'Task Creation' as standalone Access Control permission (Revealed Agent)
Sometimes employees create too many one-off Tasks for management to track with reporting. Adding 'Task Creation' as a standalone permission in Access Control would greatly improve the administrative experience when auditing performance across mult...
When looking at a particular day, if I want to move forward or backward one day it would be nice to be able to click a Back or Forward arrow rather than having to click the Calendar and selecting another date
Add ability to assign or report an employee's wage/rate based on the cost assigned to tasks they worked on rather than the current option of assigning an hourly or annual rate
Add the computer account into the dashboard immeditately after agent installation, even before a user logs in.(Currently, if the agent is installed remotely, it won't connect until a user logs in)