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Reporting - BI

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Reporting tags from BI

Allow user defined tags other than Productive, Unproductive and Unclassified for reporting purposes. The user can select multiple applications for the custom tag(s) and then they can be used for reporting in BI Reports.
over 2 years ago in Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed

Filter by schedules on BI report

Ability to only show the employees based on their configured schedule on reports
over 3 years ago in Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed

Email field

Add one column with valid email on BI Reports Grid
almost 4 years ago in Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed

BI Reports in Email

Ability to send the reports as part of the body of the email, not as attachments nor zip files, raw data in the body of the email
about 4 years ago in Email notifications / Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed

Filter BI Reports based on minimum values

Add ability to filter BI (Business Intelligence) Reports (and thefore exported reports) so that the report data is only generated if empoyees worked a minimum amount of hours.
about 4 years ago in Reporting - BI 0 Reviewed

List App Name in BI Report instead of process name

Allow an Application title/name to be listed in BI (Business Intelligence) Reports instead of the process name.
about 4 years ago in Reporting - BI / Reporting - Improve Data 0 Reviewed