Add ability to specify Activity Level benchmarks in BI Reports based on Dept. and/or Position
Request: Depending on job function/day-to-day duties, an acceptable average Activity Level will vary. The target Activity Level for a Dept. or Position can be noted outside Teramind but not within the UI. Including the ability to assign target Act...
Distinguish activities/data captured during periods of Offline Recording
If an activity/screen recording/etc. occurred when the TM Agent was disconnected, add a note or indication that the captured information via the Offline Recording setting
There is an opportunity for more user-friendly features regarding changes made in Behavior Rules via two suggested approaches. Additional info/options within the Behavior Rule editor What specifically changed in the Rule? Renamed? Moved or copied ...
Capture Original Headers in Gmail for Review in BI Reports
In a Gmail email, clicking the three stacked dots icon for more information/actions include a < > Show Original option. The resulting information shown includes things like IP addresses, mail servers, recipient and sender information, timest...
BI Reports: Drill down Activity Level by app, website, classification
Desired Functionality: In a cloned BI Report, filter the Activity Level by application, website, and Classification. Examples of questions to solve through reporting: What's the average activity level when using productive apps/websites? What's th...
BI Scheduled Export: A weekly export of only work days that's recurringly delivered on a specific day
Desired Functionality: Schedule the delivery of a report to be received on a Monday for the previous week's data, but have the exported report reflect only Monday through Friday. Current functionality: Using Schedule Export + Export Period\Week + ...
Audit BI Report: Add 'Count' column to grid widget
Please add the 'Count' column to the Audit BI Report grid widget. A use case is to sort the frequency of 'Action Type' in a descending/ascending manner.
Allow user defined tags other than Productive, Unproductive and Unclassified for reporting purposes. The user can select multiple applications for the custom tag(s) and then they can be used for reporting in BI Reports.