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Behavior rules

Showing 46

Time tracking based on employee's schedule

Ability to track users times and apply rules only in the assigned schedule
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules / Schedules 1 Reviewed

The ability to control which possible recipients appear in the Rule Action\Notify field

In Behavior Rules, any employee could potentially be selected in the Notify field. As a security precaution, it would be valuable to control the recipients that populate as options for notifying. Perhaps, in Settings, you could specify all the pos...
about 1 year ago in Behavior rules / Email notifications 0 Reviewed

Regular Expressions in the file path condition

Ability to use regular expressions in the file path condition in file activity rules
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules 0 Reviewed

File hierarchy condition in File activity rules

Ability to create a rule to alert on any file operation on any file where it is copied or written ‘outside’ of its folder structure. This would allow us to have visibility of any file being moved or copied somewhere else on the disk or pc
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules 0 Reviewed

Block access to a personal linkedin account

Ability to block login to LinkedIn from personal accounts, but allow login from company accounts.
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules / Parsers 0 Reviewed

Rule Schedule

Ability to choose which days the rules are applied
almost 5 years ago in Behavior rules / Schedules 1 Reviewed

Content Behavior rule - Block message, make warning as pop-up

No description provided
over 2 years ago in Behavior rules 0 Reviewed

Auto lock/unlock users' session based on time

Auto lock/unlock users' session based on time
almost 4 years ago in Behavior rules / Remote Control / Schedules 0 Reviewed

Agent Schedule Rules Time Specification

Ability to set times on agent schedule rules
almost 4 years ago in Behavior rules / Schedules 1 Reviewed

Lock computers out during non workhours

Ability to lock out computers outside of agent schedule
over 4 years ago in Behavior rules / Remote Control / Security 0 Reviewed