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Behavior rules

Showing 46

Notification when a computer's IP has changed

Provide a way to notify when a computer's IP address has changed
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules / Network Driver / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Screenshots of rule violations

Automatically take screenshots (not videos) when a rule is violated
over 3 years ago in Agent / Behavior rules 0 Planning

Trigger rules based on users status

Ability to create rules and take actions based on users status
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules 0 Reviewed

Auto lock/unlock users' session based on time

Auto lock/unlock users' session based on time
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules / Remote Control / Schedules 0 Reviewed

Block printing of specific files

Ability to block printings based on file path
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules / Security 0 Reviewed

External drive Exception

Ability to block or exempt external drives from behavioral rules by device ID
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules / Security 0 Reviewed

Alert when login from a different computer

Ability to create an alert for when a user logs in from a different computer
almost 4 years ago in Behavior rules 0 Planning

Privilege Escalation Alert

Ability to create an alert when the user escalates privileges on windows(run as admin)
almost 4 years ago in Behavior rules / Security 0 Reviewed

Agent Schedule Rules Time Specification

Ability to set times on agent schedule rules
almost 4 years ago in Behavior rules / Schedules 1 Reviewed

Notify if employees change passwords

Ability for a rule to notify if users change passwords in apps or websites
almost 4 years ago in Behavior rules 0 Reviewed