Ability to rank productive/unproductive apps/web into productivity levels. For example, Youtube could be ranked -2 (Very unproductive), Excel ranking 2 (Very productive) and Outlook ranking 1 (Semi-productive)
Reference a List of Admin/Manager Emails in the Notify Field in Behavior Rule Actions
In Behavior Rules, when entering emails in the Notify Action field, recipients can be added piecemeal. It would be more user-friendly to be able to reference a list (perhaps a Shared List) of recipient emails.
Ability to set how long rule violation warning messages are displayed on the employee's screen and allow warning to remain on screen until acknowledged
Ability to create a rule to alert on any file operation on any file where it is copied or written ‘outside’ of its folder structure. This would allow us to have visibility of any file being moved or copied somewhere else on the disk or pc