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Behavior rules

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Reference a List of Admin/Manager Emails in the Notify Field in Behavior Rule Actions

In Behavior Rules, when entering emails in the Notify Action field, recipients can be added piecemeal. It would be more user-friendly to be able to reference a list (perhaps a Shared List) of recipient emails.
about 1 year ago in Behavior rules / Email notifications 0 Reviewed

Force shutdown based on agent schedule

Ability to force shutdown when employee works afterhours
almost 4 years ago in Behavior rules / Remote Control / Schedules 1 Reviewed

Warn users when late

be able to notify an employee once they are late, at the moment there is no such feature, we can only notify an administrator or any other person (with fixed email in a rule)
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules 0 Planning

Block websites by category

Ability to set rules based on website category
over 4 years ago in Behavior rules 0 Reviewed

Block printing of specific files

Ability to block printings based on file path
over 3 years ago in Behavior rules / Security 0 Reviewed

Add Safari to browsers supported by Request Type\Webpage Visited

Employees monitored by the Mac Agent are often using Safari exclusively as their web browser. The parameter in Webpage Activity Rules to limit false positives, Request Type\Webpage Visited, is fantastic but doesn't support Safari. There is a hesit...
11 months ago in Behavior rules 0 Reviewed

Privilege Escalation Alert

Ability to create an alert when the user escalates privileges on windows(run as admin)
almost 4 years ago in Behavior rules / Security 0 Reviewed


User can't login outside of geo-fence
almost 4 years ago in Behavior rules / Geolocation 0 Reviewed

Support of AND operator within conditions

Ability to select the AND/OR operator within the same condition on Behavior Rules, Teramind currently supports OR
almost 4 years ago in Behavior rules 0 Reviewed

The ability to control which possible recipients appear in the Rule Action\Notify field

In Behavior Rules, any employee could potentially be selected in the Notify field. As a security precaution, it would be valuable to control the recipients that populate as options for notifying. Perhaps, in Settings, you could specify all the pos...
about 1 year ago in Behavior rules / Email notifications 0 Reviewed