Add ability to assign Productivity Profile membership to employee Positions
Request: There may be multiple Departments that each contain similar job functions and assigning a Productivity Profile based on the Position would make the Profile management easier. This is doubly true when Departments are used in lieu of Access...
Ability to add computers to groups or departments to save time when deploying policies.
Requesting the ability to group computers, similar to how employees are grouped via Departments, to simplify the process of applying behavior policies and monitoring profiles, rather than adding computers individually Here’s a breakdown: Current s...
Update BI Classification when a custom category is archived
fully delete custom productivity categories that they no longer use. would like the contents of those categories to be re-assigned to "Unclassified" when the custom categories are deleted.
Productivity Profiles: Allow Productivity Classification exception for a specific URL Rule to override Category Rule
When making a Configure\Productivity Profiles Rule, a goal is to have a singular URL be Productive while a related Category is Unproductive, or vice versa. Currently, what results when doing that is a conflicting/overlapping classification.
In Productivity Profiles, add the ability to select multiple values at once when creating a Category Rule for a Productivity Profile
When making a new Rule in a Productivity Profile, using Category as the type of Rule only allows the selection of a single category at a time. It would save a ton of time to be able to select many NetStar categories at once, and then flag them all...
Ability to rank productive/unproductive apps/web into productivity levels. For example, Youtube could be ranked -2 (Very unproductive), Excel ranking 2 (Very productive) and Outlook ranking 1 (Semi-productive)